Are you ready to have better relationships inside and outside your organization?

Inside Digital Relations Outside Digital Relations

our mission

Building digital relations

We help you and your medium-sized company to build strong digital relationships. Strong digital relationships inside your company between all projects and employees. Strong digital relationships outside the company with your customers.

We are efficient processes. We are Customer Success Management. We are project and portfolio management. We are IT specialists. We are over 20 years of experience.
We are the solution partner for digitization from the Ruhr area. We are MTAS Solutions.

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Sales Automation im CRM


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Digital Collaboration

Work Better Together

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Project and portfolio management

Make better decisions

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Customer Experience in CRM

retain customers

Strong your technologies with

MTAS Solutions

New impulses every month

Start building digital relations today

Would you also like to build successful digital relationships with your customers inside your company and outside of your company? With our experience from over 20 years of CRM and business IT alignment and our knowledge of new trends and developments, we help you to strengthen your digital relationships today for tomorrow.

Once a month. No Ads. Only information and new impulses.

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